.22 Bellm barrel & die set package with FREE Bellm TCs barrel sock.
This is a blued TC Custom Shop barrel with factory Muzzle Tamer muzzle
brake, 25” overall length, in pristine like new condition, that I rechambered to
.22 Bellm, similar to .226 JDJ.
.22 Bellm is a .225 Winchester Ackley Improved but with the case body
shortened, so technically it does not meet Ackley’s definition of an “improved”
since it cannot fire a factory .225 Winchester round due to pressures too high
for the Contender.
Setting this barrel apart also, it is one of the rare few factory AUTO EJECTOR
barrels made. Opening the barrel EXTRACTS the case a short distance so you
can manually remove the case or with a second movement of the barrel the
case is EJECTED from the barrel.
For safety reasons, the chamber body is shortened so that it is impossible to
fire a factory round since factory pressures are too high for the Contender.
Naturally, the .225 Win. case body has to be shortened in order to chamber a
round, thus as part of the package the size die has been shortened also.
The included size die does not size case necks small enough for good neck
tension on the bullet and may require reducing the case neck diameter via
running the case into a .22 -.250 size die.
The included test fire/fire form loads were run up to 30 grains of Varget with 55
grain bullets & standard rifle primers, roughly 10% below maximum .225
Winchester published loads.
The throat is well centered, picture perfect. Nice bore & pristine.
(If you do not have .225 Winchester brass, contact me. I do have some new