G2 Vs Contender
Pardon the construction, this page is still under development more content to follow soon. This "inside view" of a nicely cut away G2 frame helps you get an understanding of how BOTH the TC G2 and Encore frame parts inter-relate.

The mechanisms are identical in function with just 3 main exceptions:
1) The G2 is simply a scaled-down version of the Encore that was introduced first.
2) The rimfire selection capability via a selector on the G2 hammer and the combination of both centerfire and rimfire firing pins, as most of you are well aware, sets the G2 apart from the Encore which is, of course, centerfire only. (But of course, there are rimfire adaptors for the Encore as well as some factory barrels from past years and custom barrels from Match Grade Machine with the rimfire chamber and bore offset and fired by the Encore's centerfire firing pin.)
3) The G2's hammer with its selector lever on top prevents the hammer from dropping down into the frame to remove it. It has to come out the top, and to do that part of the hammer's pivot area is cut away on the right side so the hammer can come out the top of the frame. What is cut away from the hammer's pivot area is replaced by a spacer washer? So when you take a G2 frame apart following our instructions for the Encore and wonder where that spacer washer falling out came from, it goes on the hammer pivot pin, right side.
The G2 vs. the Contender mechanisms, the short answer.
If you have never had or taken a G2 frame apart but you are an experienced Contender shooter, compare the parts in the G2 and its function to the Contender. There is no comparison!
I'll get into the details later, but except for being able to take the Contender trigger pull weight down well under 1 1/2 pounds, the G2 is FAR SUPERIOR to the finicky, overly complex, stretchy Contender frame in every respect, INCLUDING the new rendition of the Contender, the SSK-50.
When you pull up the G2 cutaway, NOTE also the TRIGGER OVER TRAVEL SCREW ADDED!
All original Encore frames, as well as ALL production years of the Contender, had a trigger over travel screw.
Setting the G2 or Encore over travel screw too closely can leave the hammer just barely cocked, so this is likely the reason TC stopped drilling and tapping that little raised square boss on the backside of the trigger guard for the over travel screw.
For safety, there should be some trigger travel after the hammer is released, something on the order of .010" or so, but nothing like it is without the screw.
Set it close, but 2 or 3 thicknesses of common paper between the trigger and the over travel screw should NOT let the hammer fall.
Remove the paper, and the hammer should fall.
That is my highly sophisticated, precision adjustment test. Joking of course. Just make sure the hammer falls freely at any temperature. Meaning, what works at room temperature may not work out on a cold fall or winter hunting stand, so DO leave some clearance allowance.
(I can't recall now whether early G2 frames came with the over travel screw or not.)
However, the combination of a heavy factory pull weight and all that trigger finger force on the trigger moving back uncontrolled throws the gun off target during those milliseconds before the bullet is free of the barrel and off-target.
Final Thoughts
Before you blame unsatisfactory accuracy on the barrel, it may be the trigger pull weight and no over travel screw preventing YOU from shooting accurately!
A lighter pull weight helps your shooting of course, but a complete trigger job needs to control trigger finger over travel as well!
Trigger Job Parts, Tools, and Instructions - Click Here